Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure

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Dr. Vinod Varma Vegesna


The cybersecurity of critical infrastructure has emerged as a paramount concern in the face of escalating cyber threats and vulnerabilities. This paper explores the multifaceted challenges and strategies associated with safeguarding critical infrastructure systems from cyberattacks. Through an in-depth analysis of recent cybersecurity incidents and regulatory frameworks, we delineate the evolving threat landscape and the potential consequences of cyber breaches on essential services such as energy, transportation, healthcare, and finance. An analysis of cybersecurity incidents affecting critical infrastructure from 2019 to 2023 reveals a concerning trend of increasing frequency and severity. The data shows a 150% rise in reported cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, with an average annual cost of $50 billion in economic damages. Furthermore, a survey of 100 cybersecurity professionals working in critical infrastructure sectors indicates that 80% believe their organizations are inadequately prepared to defend against sophisticated cyber threats. Additionally, examination of compliance with cybersecurity regulations across various industries highlights a compliance rate of only 60%, indicating significant gaps in cybersecurity readiness. These quantitative findings underscore the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and investment in resilient infrastructure to mitigate the growing cyber risks facing critical infrastructure sectors.


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How to Cite
Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure. (2024). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 7(7), 1-17.

How to Cite

Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure. (2024). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 7(7), 1-17.


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