Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithms for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT

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Thkur Surveer


In the realm of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the need for real-time anomaly detection is paramount to ensure the continuous operation and safety of critical systems. This paper introduces an innovative approach to address this challenge by presenting adaptive machine learning algorithms designed specifically for real-time anomaly detection in the context of IIoT. The proposed algorithms leverage the dynamic and evolving nature of IIoT data streams to adapt to changing operational conditions, thereby enhancing their effectiveness in anomaly detection.

We begin by exploring the foundational principles of machine learning and the complexities introduced by IIoT data, including the high volume, velocity, and variety of sensor data. Subsequently, we delve into the development of adaptive algorithms that can autonomously adjust their parameters and model structures based on the incoming data, ensuring robust performance in the face of evolving operational environments.

Furthermore, we evaluate the proposed algorithms through extensive experiments using real-world IIoT datasets, demonstrating their capability to detect anomalies in real-time with high precision and recall. Additionally, we compare their performance against traditional static models to highlight the advantages of adaptability in IIoT anomaly detection.

This research contributes to the growing field of IIoT and machine learning by providing a practical solution for real-time anomaly detection, offering improved system reliability, reduced downtime, and enhanced operational safety. The adaptive algorithms introduced in this study have the potential to revolutionize anomaly detection in the context of Industrial IoT, making them a valuable asset for industries relying on continuous and secure operations.


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How to Cite
Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithms for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT. (2018). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 1(1).

How to Cite

Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithms for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT. (2018). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 1(1).

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