Developing a Real-time Flower Detection Application using Deep Learning Techniques

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Prof. Michael Davis


In this paper, a novel flower detection application anchor-based method is proposed, which is combined with an attention mechanism to detect the flowers in a smart garden in AIoT more accurately and fast. While many researchers have paid much attention to the flower classification in existing studies, the issue of flower detection has been largely overlooked. The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of a new design and application of flower detection. Firstly, a new end-to-end flower detection anchor-based method is inserted into the architecture of the network to make it more precious and fast and the loss function and attention mechanism are introduced into our model to suppress unimportant features. Secondly, our flower detection algorithms can be integrated into the mobile device. It is revealed that our flower detection method is very considerable through a series of investigations carried out. The detection accuracy of our method is similar to that of the state-of-the-art, and the detection speed is faster at the same time. It makes a major contribution to flower detection in computer vision.

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Developing a Real-time Flower Detection Application using Deep Learning Techniques . (2023). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 6(6).

How to Cite

Developing a Real-time Flower Detection Application using Deep Learning Techniques . (2023). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 6(6).


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