Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data for Federated Learning

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Snehal Satish
Geeta Sandeep Nadella
Karthik Meduri
Hari Gonaygunta


Federated learning is a promising approach for collaboratively training machine learning models while keeping the training data decentralized. This paper discusses recent advances and open problems in federated learning, focusing on the challenge of communication efficiency and the heterogeneous nature of data, models, and objectives among participating clients. Federated learning allows clients to jointly train a machine learning model without centralizing their private training data. Instead, each client computes an update to the current global model based on their local data, and only this update is communicated to a central server for aggregation. This paradigm is appealing for privacy-sensitive applications, as it avoids the risks associated with centralized data storage. However, federated learning faces several unique challenges compared to traditional centralized machine learning. The heterogeneous nature of the data, models, and objectives across different clients can lead to conflicts and slow convergence of the global model. Furthermore, communication efficiency is critical, as clients typically have unreliable and relatively slow network connections. Recent work has proposed various strategies to improve the communication efficiency of federated learning, such as model compression techniques and selective client participation. Other research has explored ways to handle the heterogeneous nature of federated learning, for example, by allowing clients to train their customized models and share them with the federation.

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How to Cite
Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data for Federated Learning. (2022). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 5(5), 1-14.

How to Cite

Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data for Federated Learning. (2022). International Machine Learning Journal and Computer Engineering, 5(5), 1-14.


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